Revised Application technology tank cleaning in the Food & Beverages sector - Beer & Wine

Tank cleaning

The use of carbonated water with only small addition of chemical cleaning agents offers a very effective way of cleaning.


After beverage tanks like e.g. kegs have been cleaned with lye they have to be rinsed out. Here it is important that the pH value of the lye be restored to a normal level. This can be carried out by neutralising with CO2. Alternatively, cleaning can take place using carbonated water with the addition of a small amount of chemical cleaning agent. Using carbonated water saves time and detergents and is thus environmentally friendly.  


  • Less water required
  • Less time needed
  • CO2 has a dissolving effect
  • Good control of pH-value

Revised Customer process keg cleaning in the Food & Beverages sector - Beer

Keg cleaning

Making returning kegs re-usable

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